Algorithmic worlds |
Search blog posts2009-12-31 Jim Soliven 2009-12-29 An animation 2009-12-28 New comment engine 2009-12-20 A new type of piling 2009-12-18 Jonathan McCabe 2009-12-13 Fractalish photography 2009-12-12 Aerial tilt-shift photography 2009-12-11 Janet Waters 2009-12-10 Digital patina 2009-12-08 Pattern piling with feedback |
BlogA blog about algorithmic art and fractal aesthetic. Click here to subscribe to the RSS feed. December 18th 2009 Jonathan McCabeHere are some great works by Jonathan McCabe. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some pattern piling involved. [Update: I got a mail from Jonathan McCabe, he does use pattern piling indeed.] He offers high resolution pictures on Flickr that I converted into zoomable images using Seadragon.
Jonathan McCabe, cat_j_0002, digital image.
Jonathan McCabe, bm_sym_5_20090311_028, digital image. Check especially his most recent works, as well as the sets conflicted sym and relax implode. I'll speak about the latter in a future blog post. |