Algorithmic worlds










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2015-06-23 Inceptionism

2015-04-26 Exhibit

2014-12-14 Earth View

2014-10-05 Iterations

2014-08-24 Frank Berg

2014-08-13 Bridges 2014

2014-04-09 High ball stepper

2014-03-30 Appolonian gaskets

2014-03-02 Michael Faber

2014-02-23 New panorama applet

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A blog about algorithmic art and fractal aesthetic. Click here to subscribe to the RSS feed.

August 13th 2014

Bridges 2014

The 2014 Bridges conference on Arts and Mathematics is starting tomorrow (August 14th) in Seoul. The following three works of mine will be on display in the art exhibition. All three of them feature the same dense Julia set of a Lattès map. An orbit of the Lattès map is associated to each pixel, which is colored according to the mean distance of the orbit to a reference point of the Riemann sphere (see this blog post for more details). The pictures look different only because different reference points have been picked for each of them.

You can see the full list of works on display here.

Picture of a Lattès Julia set, by Samuel Monnier

20120514-1. A dense Julia set constructed from iterations of the following Lattès map: z -> (z3+a)/(az3+1), with a = exp(2pi/3).

Picture of a Lattès Julia set, by Samuel Monnier

20120526-1. A dense Julia set constructed from iterations of the following Lattès map: z -> (z3+a)/(az3+1), with a = exp(2pi/3).

Picture of a Lattès Julia set, by Samuel Monnier

20120601-1. A dense Julia set constructed from iterations of the following Lattès map: z -> (z3+a)/(az3+1), with a = exp(2pi/3)

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